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Privacy Policy

Client privacy is a top priority at Harvest Financial Advisors

The relationship between Harvest Financial Advisors and each client is vitally important.  We strive to maintain your trust and we commit to protect your personal information.  We do not disclose your personal information to anyone unless required by law, at your direction, or when necessary to provide you with our services.  We never rent or sell your personal information to anyone.

Information Collection

Harvest Financial Advisors receives and maintains non-public personal information about clients during the normal course of business from the following sources so that we can better provide advisory services:

  • From you, on account applications or other forms (paper & electronic), through transactions, correspondence and other communications (i.e., your name, address, phone number, email address, social security number, date of birth, and financial information).

Information Sharing

In order for us to provide investment advisory services to clients, it is sometimes necessary for us to disclose certain private client information to approved third party vendors (i.e., custodians, regulators, money managers, archiving firms, insurance companies, and accountants).  This information may include date of birth, social security number, and other identifying information.  Harvest has privacy agreements in place with all vendors who might receive this information in the servicing of your account.

Information Safeguarding

To fulfill our privacy commitment at Harvest Financial Advisors, we have instituted firm-wide practices to safeguard the information that we maintain about you.  These include:

  • Adopting procedures that put in place physical, electronic and other safeguards to keep your personal information safe.
  • Limiting access to personal information to those employees who need it to perform their duties.
  • Requiring third party vendors who perform services for us to keep your information confidential.
  • Protecting information of our former clients to the same extent as our current clients.

At Harvest Financial Advisors, we value your privacy.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.